Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pink Phones!!

its time to get a new phone im looking for a pink one! (duhh) but verizon doesnt have any :( boo.. there are some older verizon ones im thinking about just buying and activating it. heres some cute ones i like and some for other carriers.
1. the old pink chocolate
2.  LG Dlite  for tmobile.  idk why i like this so much but i do! it has a cool clock on the front. very basic tho. i cant get this any way unless i switch to tmobile

3. Venus.  this seems kinda coool  idk if its a good shade of pink tho. touch screen. i think its a newer version of the chocolate

4.  samsung Soul.  awesomeee phone!!  dis is expensive

5. Other really cool pretty phones:  blackberry pink pearl- u have to get a data plan booooo :( and  cookie - touch screen only in the UK :(

ALSOOO heres some really awesome phone covers!!!!
this company Lux Addicton makes GORGEOUS custom design phone covers. maybe if i cant get a pink phone i can just get a fab cover for it.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Barbie Fabulous Pets

Ive been looking up dogs to get and these are my favorite breeds of toy dogs
Pomeranians- Nicole Richie <3s poms  this pic is cute even tho its licking her mouth! this is my new favorite dog

Chihuahua- Britneys chihuahua  Bit Bit

Pekingese- Bridget from girlsnext doors dog is soo cute

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels- So adorable  charlotte from sex and the city got one named Elizabeth Taylor

Even though barbies old pet is a pooping dog named Tanner that you feed him his own plastic poop (Watch the commercial! LOL) Barbie would def  get rid of that gross dog and get a cuter better one.

tacky wedding

Even though Im not engaged to my perfect Ken yet I still like to think about what my super pink barbie wedding will be like.

The Bridesmaid Dresses- like the 'LA Wedding' from 27 Dresses

my chihuahua would be dessed up OBVI

2nd Dress for The Reception- Inspired by Britney.I love the short lace dress idea

Bridesmaids Spa Day- Britney spears wedding again-- matching sweats for the spa day before the wedding. With "Mrs. ___" for the bride and "Maid of Honor", etc.. on the back.

The Ridee- Got to be a pink limo!

Ring- pink or heart shaped